
Stand strong together maori
Stand strong together maori

stand strong together maori

BHB Academy is committed to being responsive to Maori as Tangata Whenua (Maori People of the land).

stand strong together maori

and learning practices meet the educational needs of our Maori learners. We are committed to go as far as possible in curating our trips with care for the planet. We believe that success is not that of the individual but of many and we stand strong together as we collaborate and support each other on our journeys. We know that many of you worry about the environmental impact of travel and are looking for ways of expanding horizons in ways that do minimal harm – and may even bring benefits. Together, they portray a contemporary, indigenous culture of great. Our Sailing Trips invite you to spend a week experiencing the best of the sea and land in the Caribbean and the Mediterranean. customary and contemporary taonga (treasures) of Maori, E Tu Ake: Standing Strong. Our Mini Trips are small and mighty - they squeeze all the excitement and authenticity of our longer Epic Trips into a manageable 3-5 day window. Epic Trips are deeply immersive 8 to 16 days itineraries, that combine authentic local experiences, exciting activities and enough down time to really relax and soak it all in. Human translations with examples: e koe, wawe ana, e oku tau, kata matou, blessed be, no tnei kura. the villagers are determined to stand firm on the ground that belongs to. Our Trips are suitable for both solo travellers and friends who want to explore the world together. Contextual translation of 'together we are stronger' into Maori. While this declaration of independence may be true, Maori literature will lack. That is why we have intensively curated a collection of premium small-group trips as an invitation to meet and connect with new, like-minded people for once-in-a-lifetime experiences in three categories: Epic Trips, Mini Trips and Sailing Trips. Increasingly we believe the world needs more meaningful, real-life connections between curious travellers keen to explore the world in a more responsible way. Maori culture, identity and politics are unique having blossomed and grown over centuries of isolation, before the arrival of the British in the early 1800s. They are descended from eastern Polynesian settlers, who arrived in New Zealand between 12. We are proud that, for more than a decade, millions like you have trusted our award-winning recommendations by people who deeply understand what makes certain places and communities so special. The Maori are an indigenous community hailing from New Zealand. Culture Trip launched in 2011 with a simple yet passionate mission: to inspire people to go beyond their boundaries and experience what makes a place, its people and its culture special and meaningful - and this is still in our DNA today. Since you are here, we would like to share our vision for the future of travel – and the direction Culture Trip is moving in.

Stand strong together maori